Samsung Link Review: Stolen identity "click a button" Ponzi

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Samsung Link Review: Stolen identity "click a button" Ponzi
Samsung Link Review: Stolen identity "click a button" Ponzi

Samsung Link fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website.

Samsung Link’s website domain (“”), was registered with bogus information on September 5th, 2024.

Samsung Link has already attracted the attention of financial regulators. The Central Bank of Russia issued a Samsung Link pyramid fraud warning on September 17th, 2024.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

Samsung Link’s Products

Samsung Link has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market Samsung Link affiliate membership itself.

Samsung Link’s Compensation Plan

Samsung Link affiliates invest tether (USDT). This is done on the promise of advertised returns:

Samsung Link pays referral commissions on invested USDT down three levels of recruitment (unilevel):

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Downline Investment Bonus

Samsung Link pays a Downline Investment Bonus on the following amounts:

Joining Samsung Link

Samsung Link affiliate membership is free.

Full participation in the attached income opportunity requires a minimum 10 USDT investment.

Samsung Link Conclusion

Samsung Link is yet another “click a button” app Ponzi scheme.

Samsung Link misappropriates the name and branding of Samsung, the South Korean multinational.

Needless to say Samsung Link has nothing to do with Samsung the South Korean company.

Samsung Link doesn’t bother coming up with a ruse. This makes it a typical “task-based” Ponzi scheme.

The assigned task in Samsung Link is “orders”. This sees Samsung Link affiliate investors log in daily to “click a button”.

Clicking the button daily qualifies Samsung Link investors to receive daily returns.

Beyond that clicking a button inside Samsung Link does nothing, there is no external revenue. All Samsung Link does is recycle newly invested funds to pay earlier investors.

Examples of already collapsed “click a button” app Ponzis using the stolen identity ruse are Nykaa MallFresnillo PLC USDT and Lime Mall.

Since 2021 BehindMLM has documented hundreds of “click a button” app Ponzis. Most of them last a few weeks to a few months before collapsing

“Click a button” app Ponzis disappear by disabling both their websites and app. This tends to happen without notice, leaving the majority of investors with a loss (inevitable Ponzi math).

Organized crime interests from China operate scam factories behind “click a button” Ponzis from south-east Asian countries.

In September 2024, the US Department of Treasury sanctioned Cambodian politician Ly Yong Phat over ties to Chinese human trafficking scam factories.

Through various companies he owns, Phat is alleged to shelter Chinese scammers operating out of Cambodia.

Regardless of which country they operate from, the same group of Chinese scammers are believed to be behind the “click a button” app Ponzi plague.

Теги: Финансовые махинации,Криптомошенники,USDC(USD Coin),Samsung Link,Samsung,инвестиции,криптовалюта,

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