Pseudobroker Andriy Martynyuk: how Ukrainians lose money in Freshforex

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Pseudobroker Andriy Martynyuk: how Ukrainians lose money in Freshforex
Pseudobroker Andriy Martynyuk: how Ukrainians lose money in Freshforex

A scheme for embezzling the funds of Ukrainians investing through Freshforex has been exposed.

Everyone talks about investments and stock speculation these days, but few realize that these activities are associated with serious financial risks. Moreover, there is a risk of entrusting your money to unscrupulous "intermediaries".

Some fraudsters intentionally create "companies" that, under the guise of stock market activities, extort the savings of unsuspecting Ukrainians. There are dozens of such companies, both liquidated and still operating.

In this context, it is worth noting individuals such as Andriy Martynyuk and Oleh Kravchun.

According to media reports, they allegedly organized fraudulent projects that speculate on stock market terminology.

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It is reported that at one time they created Freshforex and then made dozens of its clones such as,,

Journalists urge that if you have already transferred money to them, demand an immediate chargeback, file a report with the cyber police, and record all correspondence and phone conversations with the "broker." You can contact the administrators at the link on the website if you have become a victim of the mentioned individuals and their projects.

Martynyuk, Kravchun, and their companies allegedly work as follows – they find people with money, deceive them, and naive "investors" transfer money.

"For working with the audience of potential victims, call centers and databases of phone numbers, as well as intermediary agencies that hire personnel, are used. The companies of the mentioned individuals operate both in Ukraine and abroad. In Ukraine, they have "cover" in the form of officials and deputies, but in Israel, where the projects of our "heroes" also managed to make an appearance, the companies attracted the attention of law enforcement. All this is in the public domain."

Being a copy of another project "Intrade," Freshforex was liquidated in Ukraine a long time ago due to numerous fraud complaints. However, its website continues to operate and still hides behind the names of other liquidated companies (Riston Capital Ltd.) and non-existent regulators ("KROUFR").

It is noteworthy that Freshforex was registered in Martynyuk’s name, but now he allegedly runs the business through intermediaries such as LLC "PROF ADVICE".

"Both "businessmen" have a number of companies, which, incidentally, have criminal cases against them. Martynyuk has LLC "MK PARTNER" and LLC "PROF ADVICE", Kravchun has LLC "MK CONSULTING GROUP", LLC "MBM Ukraine", LLC "Teleport Ukraine" and a dozen more companies.


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